Is it time to go?
Last month I did something for the first time: I answered questions live on Instagram during my weekly In The Moment coaching session.
The questions were amazing! Here’s a two-part favorite: When is the time right to leave, especially if you know you’re holding on and need to let go? And what happens when you make the decision out of fear?
First, I'll answer part two. When I make a decision out of fear, 98% of the time I end up asking myself “Why did I do that?” over and over and over. Fear activates the two million year old part of our brain that’s great for imminent danger—but it’s not great for more nuanced situations that require full access to our internal and external resources. Fear based decisions almost always mean I’ve skipped the final step in my 5 Steps to Optimize Decision Making process. That step? Be confident in the decision.
Now, for the first part of the question – when do you know it’s time to go? When I’m working with a client 1:1 to work through that question, there are a myriad of areas I’ll probe on concluding with this important question: does your job replenish you more than it depletes you? Remember, all jobs have their crappy component; that’s what the money’s for! However, if over a time a job depletes you more than it replenishes you, that’s a good indication that it’s time to go. You can hear more of my answer to that question – as well as the other questions and answers – by checking out the episode on my IGTV Channel.
Speaking of going, Rick and I just returned from a vacation – remember those? – to our soul-nourishing place, the garden island of Kauai.
Three things you need to know as you plan your post-pandemic vacation:
Every hotel, restaurant, and attraction you’ll visit is short on staff. Rick said, “You need to adjust your expectations” so many times I thought he was going to laminate that on a flash card.
Looking for a rental car? Good luck! If you find one, be prepared to leave a kidney – or one of your kids – as payment. And yes, the agent will STILL try to scare you into adding the optional insurance coverage.
Just because you’ve taken off your mask and are feeling OPEN doesn’t mean the business you want to visit is OPEN. Many businesses are still temporarily closed – or sadly not coming back.
Is travel worth it? Hell, yes! (Not the optional insurance coverage on your rental car, though.) This time last year “travel and exploration” involved getting decked out in PPE and going on a quest for toilet paper. Now, there’s a level of excitement you’ll experience and a sense of “Can you believe we’re doing this?”People you meet along the way are experiencing the same, making for a great travel experience and a sense of community.
Plus, you never know who you’ll run into. As we were lounging at the tranquility pool at our resort, a voice called out“Ben? Rick?”.As I looked up to see who was interrupting my pool slumber, Seth Rosenblatt and his family were in front of us with a very hearty aloha.
As you travel and explore this summer, here’s a reminder: Try not to conquer every moment. Just flow.