How to Make Something Big Happen
Like many of my clients, I suspect there's a good chance you're working on something big right now: it could be a major project at work, searching for your next career opportunity, or finding a new home in the next 22 days. (That last one is my 'something big' right now.)
Last week three clients experienced success with their 'something big.' As I celebrated them and their accomplishments, I reflected on what was consistent on their path to success. Three things jumped out — three things you can use as a checklist for your 'something big.'
Set the Intention
An intention helps the big, beautiful computer that sits on top of your body process information more efficiently, weeding out what's not important. A clear intention helps you focus on what you want vs. what you don't want. As Tony Robbins remarked, "Where focus goes, energy flows." Put this into action by placing your intention in a visible place. At the start of Q2 I made a handwritten list of seven key opportunities in my pipeline I wanted to get across the finish line this quarter. As of today six of those opportunities have turned into new clients I'm now jamming with!
Resource Up
High performers know how to resource up. My ego — which has had a lifetime of employment — wants me to remind you that each of these individuals reached out to me for help. However, they also reached out to others and they let go of the unhelpful story of "must figure it out on my own." Put this into action by identifying three people you can reach out to, and let them know how they can help. Remember: people generally want to help; you just need to let them know how.
Do the Work
It took one client 290 days from setting the intention to realizing the outcome. There were many moments along the way she could have thrown in the towel. After all, there are no shortage of things to distract us. Be consistent in your efforts; do something every day by remembering the words of legendary Green Bay Packers coach Vince Lombardi: "Inches make champions." Put this into action by blocking off 30 minutes in your schedule every day to complete a specific action connected to your 'something big.'
Finally, thank you all for the awesome feedback to last month's newsletter, How to Prepare for a Sweaty Five Minute Conversation. If you're struggling to have that conversation, here's inspiration from a client.