How to Get Unblocked

After taking a break from my newsletter in August to celebrate the end of summer with family and friends, I experienced a major block in writing this month's newsletter.

With the clock ticking down to September 30th and no clear path to completion, the block intensified. Then last Sunday happened. I woke up depleted with a headache.  I got the scorecard out. I wanted to lash out at everyone about everything. Waking up feeling this way should NOT have surprised me since I had traveled each of the prior four weeks. It was the first Sunday I was not arriving home, packing to leave, or hosting friends. To bring a bit of lightness to the day I reminded myself of the first line from Rebecca Ferguson's song Superwoman, "I'm not wearing a cape, these are just regular clothes."

The good news: I got on the other side of Sunday and I finished my newsletter with one week in the month to spare. I’m sure I’m not the only one experiencing a block, so I'm sharing the three actions I took in case they're helpful for you, too.

Stop the judgment.

When I'm blocked, it's usually because my Insane Thought Generator (ITG) has created an unhelpful story about the situation. The current story about feeling blocked from writing this month's newsletter? "After seven years of writing newsletters, you have nothing new to offer." Here's the fact: every newsletter I've written has resulted in at least one reader responding to let me know the newsletter was perfectly timed and made a difference. If your ITG is creating an unhelpful story, what's the fact to replace that story?

Start the work.

Action — even small actions — generate momentum. This is the third draft of my September newsletter. You've heard of the concept of a Shitty First Draft (SFD)? Calling the first two drafts 'SFDs' would be generous. But those two SFD did something positive: at the end of each day I was able to recognize myself for the action I took. And, it got me in the headspace to wave the white flag and ask for help. (See the next bullet.) If you're feeling blocked on a project, what's the one small action you can take today?

Ask for help.

During my morning practice this past Monday I closed my eyes and said, "help me with this newsletter." It's not important to know who or what is on the other side of that ask. It is important to believe that there is a positive force in the universe working for each of us. As my practice continued I realized sharing my experience of being blocked over this newsletter was the newsletter, and that's when I started this final draft. What can you ask for help with today?

And what about those other drafts? Even though my ITG doesn't believe this, I bet there's something in there that you'll find helpful. And that's why I'll be back in your inbox next month!

Photo: Uncle Ben taking a break at Universal Studios Hollywood for a picture perfect snap on a beautiful Los Angeles afternoon! 

Ben Kiker